One of a kind in Brussels: Over 2,000 labels covering two floors dedicated to the best wines, champagnes and spirits.
Open Tuesday to Friday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Our news

New decanters for the Bellevoye collection

Chai & Bar becomes Le Chai des Grands Vins
A new signature for your cellar

The must-go address
Founded in 2002 and established in Brussels since 2005, Le Chai des Grands Vins was previously known as Chai & Bar. In 2024, following renovation work, the wine shop has been redesigned and given a new visual identity. The layout may be new but the experience remains the same: enthusiasts can explore aver 2,000 labels displayed across the shop’s two floors. The selection includes Burgundy and Bordeaux grands crus, wines from all the French and international appellations, renowned champagnes as well as more exclusive labels, and a carefully curated selection of spirits to captivate even the most seasoned mixologists.
Le Chai des Grands Vins belongs to Duclot, The Fine Wine Merchant of Bordeaux.

Le Chai des Grands Vins regorge de trésors à découvrir. Novice ou connaisseur, notre équipe se fera un plaisir de vous guider dans vos choix. Parmi notre sélection affinée : des étiquettes mythiques, des noms qui font rêver, des découvertes, des pépites, des vins bio, etc. Prolongez l’expérience avec un grand choix de vieux millésimes et de grands formats déclinés au gré de vos envies. Les amateurs de fines bulles ne seront pas en reste, les grandes maisons champenoises côtoient les vignobles plus confidentiels. Enfin, Le Chai des Grands Vins vous propose sa sélection de spiritueux : whiskys, gins, cognacs, armagnacs et rhums : une multitude de saveurs pour des nectars d’exception. En évolution permanente, la gamme du magasin est élaborée par une équipe de passionnés afin de satisfaire tous les goûts et tous les budgets, quelle que soit l’occasion.

We focus on the quality of our sources of supply, our relations with supply partners, as well as the quality of our storage conditions and the service provided to each individual customer. The shop’s warm and friendly atmosphere is the perfect setting for wine enthusiasts to make the most of our team’s tips and top picks. Customer satisfaction is paramount, so whether the bottle is for a dinner, a reception, a business gift or putting together a private cellar, the team will gladly share their knowledge and passion.

Every year, Le Chai des Grands Vins takes part in the Bordeaux “En primeur” campaign. This system was developed by the Bordeaux wine merchants 200 years ago and was originally only open to professionals before making the wines available to individual buyers. It allows châteaux to sell the current vintage while it is still ageing, with delivery two years later after bottling.
“En primeur” offers provide wine enthusiasts with access to their favourite wines, as well as often sought-after and rare grands crus. The wines are available in various formats: half-bottles, bottles, magnums, etc. The price of an “En primeur” wine is generally lower than its sale price once bottled. When placing the order, the buyer pays the VAT-inclusive price, with any shipping costs due upon delivery two years later.
Drawing on their experience, the team of experts at Le Chai des Grands Vins, working closely with the Duclot tasting committee that samples the wines throughout the campaign, will advise and guide you on your purchase of Bordeaux “En primeur” wines.
If you would like to learn more about “En Primeur” wines and send us your reservation requests, please feel free to contact us by email at contact@cdgv.be or by clicking the button below.

Discover our tailored offer for special events with a selection of prestigious wines. Give your co-workers, customers or loved ones an unforgettable experience, starting at €195 (excl. VAT) per person. Please feel free to contact us for a personalized quote based on your project and your budget.
Looking for the perfect gift? Our team will be happy to help you choose: grands crus tastings, dinners with food and wine pairings, themed gift boxes (champagne, Loire Valley wines, birth year vintages, large formats, etc.) or even a gift card. A host of options to make their day!
La gamme
Belgium’s best selection of Bordeaux wines and champagnes.
Located in Uccle with a private car park.
L’expertise vins
A multilingual team at your service (French, Dutch, English and Spanish).

Livraison offerte
From €250 to Brussels, Rhode-Saint-Genèse, Waterloo, Beersel, Linkebeek.
L’offre personnalisée
Private events, gift cards and bespoke gift boxes.
Tips to help you with your Bordeaux En Primeur purchases.